Monday, March 29

The Proof Is In The Pudding

A gentleman who goes by the name "David" in a very nice-looking forum called "Losties Unite" has decided that it'd be fun/ego-inflating to take credit for my writing:

I'm not the sort of person to anger easily, but this genuinely angers me. If you're going to blatantly steal my words, do yourself a favor and don't copy them wholesale from the site that you found them on, and don't then claim to actually BE that person. It makes it pretty easy to prove that you're full of it. I'm posting this so that the rest of the Losties Unite crew can see that "David" prefers copying and pasting the original work of other people over attempting to compose his own.

My best to the rest of that site's fans, who seem like good people.


  1. Yeah, seriously.

    Go check it out. It's SHAMELESS.

  2. Just for the record this isn't me. And I can't think of a suitable word to describe just how much of a douche that guy is being (although in the CHUD comments for your Recon post someone suggested the term "douche-canoe" which I am a fan of...) See, I gave someone else credit for their own work. Easily done.

    At least you've posted a link to this blog, so people can see the truth.

  3. Wow... I'm glad you caught it, man.

    I guess, if you wanted to put a positive spin on things, you could say you should be flattered.

    No. No, it's just bullshit. Sorry it happened.

  4. WOW! I cannot believe that someone would have the ballz to do this!! Especially in the internet era we live in, and on top of that - how close we Losties are. How could he think that he would not be caught? That even pisses me off! What a Neo-maxi-zun-dweeby (Bender from Breakfast Club)!!

  5. It's incredible what kind of assholes there are out there. Where is Sayid with bamboo splinters when you need him?

  6. Holy Shizz! He even took word for word the 2nd Snake Theory!! This guy is a piece of work!

  7. I'm fairly certain that this guy was a former Chud message board member, who was booted for being....a douche (no surprises here).

  8. alright not really, but it was too good an opportunity to pass up...

  9. It made me chuckle, so put a point in your column, Miles.

  10. Don't worry Morse, we all know who the real Lost guru is.
