Tuesday, March 9

Follow That Bird

So, as some of you are already aware, I've got a Twitter account. Starting tonight I'll be 'tweeting' (ugggggh) my thoughts about the episode as it airs. This is sure to be scintillating*. If you're not already following me, you can chain yourself to a virtual stranger by clicking the link in the sidebar. You'll recieve occasional Back To The Island-related updates, and some random ephemera from time to time.

So, join my tiny Twitter army! If Glenn Beck can manage over 200,000 followers (!) then I think I can manage 50. Do it for Lost! Do it for America!

*For the purposes of this post, the author chooses to define "scintillating" as "potentially amusing, but most likely a waste of your time."


  1. What is the link for your twitter?

  2. It's in the sidebar under "Related Linkage." It's the link titled "Follow MMorse Needlessly on Twitter."
